Benefits Of In-Home Nursing For People With Dementia

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For people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, moving to a nursing home or assisted living community can be difficult. The change in surroundings can be confusing, and the change in routine can also be difficult to handle. If you are able to keep your loved one with dementia at home, he or she may be more comfortable and happy. However, you will need some help to meet your relative's daily needs. Fortunately, you can get the help you need with in-home nursing services. Here are some of the benefits of choosing in-home nursing for your loved one with dementia:

Reliable Routine

For people with memory or cognition issues, a routine can be a big help. Going through the same routine every day provides a familiar course of action your loved one can expect every day, even if he or she doesn't necessarily remember it. Hiring an in-home nurse can help you to ensure that routinely doesn't change, even if your schedule does. For example, you can request that the nurse comes in every morning to help with bathing, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. Having the same person help with these tasks each day can provide familiarity, as can doing the same things in the same order every day.

Aging In Place

Sometimes, simply being at home can help to bring back memories and lessen confusion. By hiring an in-home nurse, you can ensure your loved one doesn't have to give up a home that he or she may have lived in for decades, and you don't have to worry about finding a nursing home facility that can care for your relative as well as you do. Aging in place can be difficult for primary caregivers, but remember that the in-home nurse can act as a respite worker too, giving you a much-needed break when you have to step away.

Medical Care

In-home nurses can also provide a range of medical care services, from checking daily vital signs to administering medication. He or she can also help with changing dressings for wounds, assisting with daily exercises, and giving necessary injections. With a nurse checking on your loved one every day, you may also be able to identify underlying health issues more quickly. This means you can take action by visiting his or her primary care physician to get the help that is needed right away.

If your loved one has dementia, remember that you have options for his or her continued care. Consider in-home nursing as one of those options, and let your relative stay at home. Contact a medical office like Assured Home Nursing Services Inc for more information and assistance. 
